
A must for drama school applicants and others facing this demanding solo event, this short masterclass will put you ahead of the rest. These tools, which have helped countless actors get upper tier agents and places in top drama schools, are based on Bryan’s decades of experience both performing and coaching monologues (his graduate dissertation focused on solo drama). Comes with

  • in-depth workbook
  • audio download that’s tried and tested to calm you down, focus your mind, and help you step from actor into character.
  • optional 30-minute Zoom coaching session for $60 (£45). Add-on session includes acting score creation.


Monologues can seem like a necessary evil. Not anymore.

With 5 KEYS TO MASTERING THE MONOLOGUE you can learn from a pro how to take this terrifying task and turn it into an exciting opportunity to perform. We’ve included a workbook and a free audio download that you can use to get into the zone before your performance. Delivered by Bryan Bounds, with 30-years experience of performing monologues, including a global tour of his hour-long solo drama, ‘My Name is Bill: An Afternoon with an Alcoholic.’

By the end of this workshop you’ll know:
  • how to choose the monologue that’s right for you
  • how to create an imaginary scene partner so that you’re not alone and the text makes sense
  • how to create and rehearse a springboard so that those first moments are real and seamless
  • a plan for using the final moments before your performance so that you can launch into it fearlessly
  • and many other tools.